Frequently Asked Questions
Jumping rope as a form of exercise has many benefits for the user. Bouncing on the toes like jumping rope develops the fast twitch muscle fibers that are responsible for explosive movement( i.e. power.) Power is being able to produce strength quickly. Jumping rope increases balance, coordination, and cardiovascular capacity. My personal favorite benefit of jumping rope is the postural awareness it takes to jump rope properly for any length of time. I can’t tell you how many runners and indoor cyclists I’ve worked with that suffer from chronic back and shoulder problems stemming from poor postural alignment while performing such exercises. Jumping rope properly requires the back to be neutral (straight up and down) and the legs to be fairly straight, so structurally speaking you are in the best position to produce repetitive motion. Lastly and most prominently, since each landing is absorbed by two feet, jumping rope can have lower risk for knee damage than running.
A weighted jump rope is a great option for beginners to learn how to jump rope. Many times the speed rope is just too fast for their first jump rope experience. The weighted rope gives clients more time to respond to the dynamics of the exercise. The strength required to move the weighted rope increases the upper body demand regular jumping rope cannot match. Strength is the goal here. Building your capacity to produce force on demand.
There is not much you can bang against concrete and not completely ruin. That said,climbing rope is engineered to be incredibly strong and abrasion resistant. Jumping on a concrete surface will eventually wear through the sheath of the rope. This damage is merely cosmetic and will not alter the characteristic strength and usability of the tool. After 10 years teaching outdoor conditioning classes, our original prototypes are still in service. We have ropes clocking 100,000 revolutions working as well as they have when we first put them on the training floor.
We know first hand what it takes to operate training facilities. We have learned that broken equipment is the ultimate impediment when you’re trying to teach a class or train a client. Having purchased several iterations of weighted jump ropes from all the big equipment suppliers we know, the materials our competitors are using are (*cough cough* Shit) I mean, not robust enough to endure the wear and tear commercial gyms inevitably put on its equipment. We can only attribute this to a lack of experience operating and running gyms that have one on one and group sessions. Without this tacit knowledge, it is understandably difficult to know what exactly it takes to build a quality tool for staff and clients.
Ultimately, the issue at hand is that aircraft cable hurts. Neoprene handles crack. Rubber tubes filled with sand? Give me a break.
What are we bringing to the game?Aluminum press fit handles gripped like a barbell & retired climbing rope given another life as a virtually indestructible tool to use in service of something we believe in: “Move or Die.” Mental as well as physical progress is only made through constant effort. That means every day, in every way, find a way to move. Our monster rope helps you do that.
Wow, that’s a dream question.Is the person asking this really working out everyday? One of my goals is to encourage everyday movement, and it’s even easier with our rope! You can use the monster rope in a variety of different areas in your routine. One session you can be using the rope for a warmup. The next day, you could incorporate the rope into any AMRAP or EMOM you like. Pump up your cardiovascular intensity with a Monster Rope Tabata (A fan favorite). Feel like sprinting? Try 3 sets of 100 reps under 60 sec. per set to cash out of any workout.
The calf stretcher is designed to give our clients access to deeper squats by mobilizing the ankle which occurs as a result of stretching the calf muscles. Use the calf stretcher with a straight leg first followed by pushing into a bent knee position. This will stretch the gastrocnemius and soleus. Quick and easy deep stretch for deeper squats.
Mobility in the ankle is essential for human movement. Our foot is our contact point to the ground. Your ankle is the foot's contact point to you. Increased ROM in the ankle can reduce knee pain and increase squat depth. Deeper squats require greater ranges of motion in ankle knees and hips. Greater ROM=Healthier joints
PS: Works well as a therapy for plantar fasciitis.